Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The 8 year mark

May 19th, 2007 marked EIGHT years since I graduated high school. I am of course in complete shock and denial that it's been that long. To add to my being emotional about this is the fact that they tore down my high school and built a new one behind sad is that :( I have so many wonderful (and not so wonderful) memories in that place, it was my home for four years, I truly loved that place. To drive by it and see the wreckage there right now is awfully heartbreaking.

This has all gotten me thinking about life and how I founded so many dreams at that school and during that time. Which brings me to the point....isn't it funny how most of our lives don't work out the way we think they will?? I entered my first marriage almost exactly 7 months to the day after I graduated. I thought I was so ready for that and because of past experiences considered myself "grown up." 8 years later, I'm on my second marriage just passing the one year mark and at the age of 26 still not feeling completely grown up and still not knowing exactly who I am, attending college and learning and growing all the time while trying to help my children learn and grow and at the same time be a rock to my husband.

I used to be terrified of turning 30 (still 3 1/2 years away), now I'm looking forward to it and hoping that by the time I get there I'll know more about me and have discovered more of myself and have more of an idea of what God's plan is for me on this know besides raising babies and being a strong wife to my hero husband. Sometimes life seems so uncertain, but as funny as it sounds just writing this has made me realize how perfectly perfect my crazy life is!


Lori said...

I feel the same way. Except I graduated 14 years ago! I still don't know what/who I'm supposed to be. But, I try to be the best at what I'm doing right now, in this moment. Who knows what the future holds!

Helen said...

I'm at the 21st year since graduation!!!!!!! For me, I think I started to really grow up at age 26. It truly takes time to find oneself so be patient. You are so lucky to have the love of a good man now and the blessings of two wonderful children. Hugs.